Riverfront Relay 2015

June 13, 2015

Corrections? email events@empirerunners.org
    1      240           Jungle Fever                                                         33:10.0  
                    240    Brady Lane                    Leg 1          4       17:28.0       17:28.0  
                    256    Brian Schulz                  Leg 2          1       15:42.0       33:10.0  
    2      202           Two kids each                                                        34:02.0  
                    202    Sid Andreis                   Leg 1          1       16:47.0       16:47.0  
                    239    Nathan Koch                   Leg 2          2       17:16.0       34:02.0  
    3      228           White Lighting X 2                                                   35:28.0  
                    228    Jacob Hayes                   Leg 1          3       17:21.0       17:21.0  
                    230    Nathan Hayes                  Leg 2          3       18:07.0       35:28.0  
    4      235           Smooth and Relaxed                                                   36:22.0  
                    235    Andy Howard                   Leg 1          6       18:05.0       18:05.0  
                    276    Hugo Yescas                   Leg 2          4       18:17.0       36:22.0  
    5      261           Czech Bros                                                           36:30.0  
                    262    Job Skandera                  Leg 1          5       17:57.0       17:57.0  
                    261    Abraham Skandera              Leg 2          5       18:33.0       36:30.0  
    6      232           Super Heroes in Training                                             37:12.0  
                    275    Ryan Weitzel                  Leg 1          7       18:46.0       18:46.0  
                    232    Julian Heaps                  Leg 2          6       18:26.0       37:12.0  
    7      215           Fernglen Fleyers                                                     37:44.0  
                    215    Brandon Crowell               Leg 1          2       17:15.0       17:15.0  
                    254    Chris Rostel                  Leg 2          7       20:30.0       37:44.0  
    8      263           Two Tough Pony Tails                                                 39:50.0  
                    264    Sarah Skandera                Leg 1         10       19:31.0       19:31.0  
                    263    Rebekah Skandera              Leg 2          8       20:19.0       39:50.0  
    9      229           Wait for me!                                                         40:10.0  
                    229    Jared Hayes                   Leg 1         11       19:42.0       19:42.0  
                    231    Trevor Hayes                  Leg 2          9       20:29.0       40:10.0  
   10      220           Psycho runner girls                                                  41:17.0  
                    226    Zoe Giglio                    Leg 1         15       21:42.0       21:42.0  
                    220    Emma Douch                    Leg 2         10       19:36.0       41:17.0  
   11      236           1+1=2                                                                41:40.0  
                    244    Michael Metela                Leg 1         20       22:45.0       22:45.0  
                    236    Daniel Karbousky              Leg 2         11       18:55.0       41:40.0  
   12      216           cryers crybabies 2.0                                                 41:49.0  
                    253    William Rogers                Leg 1         13       20:38.0       20:38.0  
                    216    Steve Cryer                   Leg 2         12       21:12.0       41:49.0  
   13      214           FAST AND FASTER!                                                     42:09.0  
                    214    John Cionci                   Leg 1          9       19:30.0       19:30.0  
                    259    Kai Seifert                   Leg 2         13       22:39.0       42:09.0  
   14      210           Terrible Two                                                         42:18.0  
                    210    Jillian Bryant                Leg 1         14       21:23.0       21:23.0  
                    272    Eric Vaughn                   Leg 2         14       20:55.0       42:18.0  
   15      248           Viva                                                                 43:16.0  
                    270    Angel Trevino                 Leg 1         25       25:21.0       25:21.0  
                    248    Alvaro Ortiz                  Leg 2         15       17:55.0       43:16.0  
   16      199           Here comes one and two!!!                                            43:21.0  
                    199    Melchor Alonso                Leg 1         17       21:59.0       21:59.0  
                    265    Francisco Soto                Leg 2         16       21:23.0       43:21.0  
   17      217           Miller's Maulers                                                     43:48.0  
                    217    Steve Cryer                   Leg 1         12       19:47.0       19:47.0  
                    246    Kent Miller                   Leg 2         17       24:02.0       43:48.0  
   18      203           Drugs & Rubs                                                         44:53.0  
                    237    Alyssa Keeney-Roe             Leg 1         28       25:37.0       25:37.0  
                    203    Francisco Azevedo             Leg 2         18       19:16.0       44:53.0  
   19      242           Running for Mollz                                                    45:10.0  
                    243    Katie McCormick               Leg 1         32       28:16.0       28:16.0  
                    242    Gerald McCormick              Leg 2         19       16:55.0       45:10.0  
   20      212           Vargatero ranchette runners                                          45:47.0  
                    271    Renee Vargas                  Leg 1         18       22:15.0       22:15.0  
                    212    Dalah Carretero               Leg 2         20       23:33.0       45:47.0  
   21      245           Danger Rangers                                                       45:49.0  
                    245    Erica Metz                    Leg 1         27       25:31.0       25:31.0  
                    268    Trevor Swallow                Leg 2         21       20:18.0       45:49.0  
   22      146           It's an Alonso thing                                                 47:02.0  
                    146    Brian Alonso                  Leg 1         21       22:55.0       22:55.0  
                    172    Grismel Alonso                Leg 2         22       24:07.0       47:02.0  
   23      249           Ol' Cowpokes                                                         48:12.0  
                    250    Jim Parks                     Leg 1         23       24:10.0       24:10.0  
                    249    Alyce Parks                   Leg 2         23       24:02.0       48:12.0  
   24      207           River Rat Red                                                        50:42.0  
                    208    Tammy Bonney                  Leg 1         24       24:49.0       24:49.0  
                    207    Mike Bonney                   Leg 2         24       25:53.0       50:42.0  
   25      222           SOLE MATES                                                           51:15.0  
                    252    Meredith Rennie               Leg 1         29       25:40.0       25:40.0  
                    222    Julie Flores                  Leg 2         25       25:36.0       51:15.0  
   26      221           Cheek And Cong                                                       54:25.0  
                    221    Shirley Fee                   Leg 1         26       25:28.0       25:28.0  
                    255    Don Sampson                   Leg 2         26       28:57.0       54:25.0  
   27      247           Ricochet Rabbit and the Droop alongs                                 56:25.0  
                    251    Denise Reich                  Leg 1         36       30:31.0       30:31.0  
                    247    Margaret Moore                Leg 2         27       25:55.0       56:25.0  
   28      234           Winning                                                              56:32.0  
                    277    Natalie Young                 Leg 1         33       29:06.0       29:06.0  
                    234    Michael Hinton                Leg 2         28       27:27.0       56:32.0  
   29      201           Grizzly Bears                                                        57:42.0  
                    201    Keystal Anderton              Leg 1         34       29:27.0       29:27.0  
                    273    Alandra Vazquez               Leg 2         29       28:16.0       57:42.0  
   30      205           We'll be fast for b-fast                                             57:47.0  
                    205    Thomas Bautista               Leg 1         30       27:32.0       27:32.0  
                    274    Vanessa Wallace               Leg 2         30       30:16.0       57:47.0  
   31      206           We Can Smell the Deer                                                58:11.0  
                    227    Kerry Hanlon                  Leg 1         16       21:47.0       21:47.0  
                    206    Darryl Beardall               Leg 2         31       36:25.0       58:11.0  
   32      135           Alexander                                                          1:01:12.0  
                    135    Abe Alexander                 Leg 1         22       23:33.0       23:33.0  
                    145    Laura Alexander               Leg 2         32       37:39.0     1:01:12.0  
   33      266           Team Quinning                                                      1:01:20.0  
                    267    Ryan Stapleton                Leg 1         31       28:10.0       28:10.0  
                    266    Jamie Stapleton               Leg 2         33       33:10.0     1:01:20.0  
   34      200           Jaguars                                                            1:02:42.0  
                    200    Kendall Anderton              Leg 1         37       32:46.0       32:46.0  
                    241    Liza Marquez                  Leg 2         34       29:57.0     1:02:42.0  
   35      109           Live love laugh 101                                                1:15:15.0  
                    109    Tricia Albright               Leg 1         38       37:55.0       37:55.0  
                    238    Lupe King                     Leg 2         35       37:21.0     1:15:15.0  
   36      204           Road Dogz                                                          1:15:39.0  
                    204    Rebecca Barragan              Leg 1         39       37:57.0       37:57.0  
                    213    Sophia Castro                 Leg 2         36       37:43.0     1:15:39.0