Empire Open

Oct 3, 1998

MEN                     (Problem List at bottom)
Place Name Age Club/Affiliation ind. place team place div place Time
1 Abshire, Brian 34 Sac Elite 1 1 1 25:08
3 Perscheid, Jason 23 Nike Farm Team 3 n/a 2 25:49
4 Kimple, Bret 29 Aggies 4 2 3 26:00
5 Richter, Brian 28 Hoys-Excelsior 5 3 4 26:06
6 Rose, Todd 25 WVTC 6 4 5 26:16
7 Rubalcaug, Francisco 26 Humboldt Track Club 7 5 6 26:19
8 Livingston, Mike 33 Aggies 8 6 7 26:20
9 Breck, Fergus 23 Humboldt Track Club 9 7 8 26:23
12 Gottardi, Mike 31 Sac Elite 12 8 9 26:40
14 Parmer, Chris 28 Humboldt Track Club 14 9 10 26:43
16 Zamczyk, Brad 35 Hoys-Excelsior 16 10 11 27:00
17 Kane, Kenny 27 Aggies 17 11 12 27:01
19 Ashfield, Christopher B. 22 Hoys-Excelsior 19 12 13 27:15
20 Lentz, Cliff 33 Hoys-Excelsior 20 13 14 27:19
23 Bruins, Jeff 23 Sac Elite 21 14 15 27:23
25 Shore, Dan 29 Hoys-Excelsior 23 15 16 27:24
26 Boynton, Terence 39 Aggies 24 16 17 27:25
27 Cox, Paul 35 Golden Valley Harriers 25 17 18 27:27
28 Worthen, Chad 24 Sac Elite 26 18 19 27:28
29 Larsen, Michael 35 Sac Elite 27 19 20 27:30
31 Jones, Ahmik 24 Hoys-Excelsior 29 20 21 27:33
33 Coster, Sean 22 Humboldt Track Club 30 21 22 27:35
36 Mangiapone, Stephen 26 Humboldt Track Club 31 22 23 27:44
38 Bachman, Matt 25 Sac Elite 33 23 24 27:51
39 Hongo, Jeff 33 Spartans 34 n/a 25 27:52
40 Gilbert, Dave 25 Humboldt Track Club 35 24 26 27:54
42 Mancini, Dan 34 Hoys-Excelsior 37 25 27 27:57
46 Rosenberg, Doug 27 Hoys-Excelsior 40 n/a 28 28:11
47 Nacco, Greg 38 Tamalpa 41 n/a 29 28:13
49 Shaver, Jeff 38 Aggies 43 26 30 28:21
54 Reeve, Ian 30 Davis TC 47 n/a 31 28:40
55 Sperandeo, Leonard 38 Sac Elite 48 27 32 28:43
57 Venables, Blair 28 Tamalpa 50 n/a 33 28:48
59 McGuire, John C. 31 unattached 52 n/a 34 28:54
62 Neff, Josef V. 28 Golden Valley Harriers 54 28 35 29:06
65 Crane, Jerad 23 Hoys-Excelsior 56 n/a 36 29:13
66 Poore, Brad 20 WVTC 57 29 37 29:31
68 Thoreson, Bryan 38 Golden Valley Harriers 58 30 38 29:36
73 Patterson, Eric 29 WVTC 64 31 39 30:06
74 Blodgett, Paul 34 Davis TC 65 n/a 40 30:24
76 Lejonvarn, Jason 32 WVTC 67 32 41 30:30
77 Maretzki, Craig 33 Golden Valley Harriers 68 33 42 30:35
79 Steigert, Michael 24 East Bay Striders 71 n/a 43 30:48
82 Ellis, Donald 24 Sac Elite 73 n/a 44 30:56
83 Nelson, Doug 26 #124 74 n/a 45 31:05
85 Schneider, Scott 31 Davis TC 75 n/a 46 31:08
86 Merrill, Garth 32 unattached 77 n/a 47 31:10
87 Harris, T. Andy 39 River City Rebels 78 n/a 48 31:27
93 Trovinger, Lawrence 34 Davis TC 84 n/a 49 32:32
97 Serrano, Dean 20 Golden Valley Harriers 88 34 50 33:31
99 Sakelarios, Nickolas 35 Redwood City Flyers 90 n/a 51 34:04
104 Micheals, Jacob 31 WVTC 93 35 52 35:12
110 Cox, Phil 29 Golden Valley Harriers 98 36 53 38:24
111 Pierce, Scott 31 Aggies 99 37 54 38:25
112 Smock, Chuck 29 Golden Valley Harriers 100 38 55 38:32

2 Yeo, Matt 43 Aggies 2 1 1 25:41
10 Flores, Richard 43 Empire Runners 10 2 2 26:25
11 Stephenion, Lloyd 44 Hoys-Excelsior 11 n/a 3 26:30
13 Cushman, Tom 44 Aggies 13 3 4 26:42
15 Palladino, Steve 42 Aggies 15 4 5 27:00
18 McGuire, Brian 40 East Bay Striders 18 n/a 6 27:14
24 Richardson, Ron 41 Aggies 22 5 7 27:24
30 Mumma, Bill 40 Buffalo Chips 28 6 8 27:31
37 Kushman, Rick 43 Buffalo Chips 32 7 9 27:48
41 Smith, Dave 44 Buffalo Chips 36 8 10 27:56
44 Govi, Rich 46 Buffalo Chips 38 9 11 28:01
45 Rogers, Bob 41 Empire Runners 39 10 12 28:05
48 Lopez, Mike 40 Tamalpa 42 11 13 28:20
50 Williams, Tim 44 Buffalo Chips 44 12 14 28:27
52 Johnson, Michael 42 Aggies 45 13 15 28:33
53 Richtman, Mark 43 Tamalpa 46 14 16 28:39
56 Bryan, Brad 40 Tamalpa 49 15 17 28:45
58 Ames, Scott 40 Empire Runners 51 16 18 28:53
69 Lyman, Jerry 49 Empire Runners 60 17 19 29:41
71 Radcliff, Michael 40 Tamalpa 62 18 20 29:47
72 Stewart, Tim 43 Empire Runners 63 19 21 30:04
75 Lawson, John 43 Tamalpa 66 20 22 30:26
80 Woodhouse, Brian 43 Buffalo Chips 70 21 23 30:48
81 Merritt, Robert 43 Empire Runners 72 22 24 30:51
84 Monteverdi, John 42 East Bay Striders 76 n/a 25 31:08
88 Carr, Pat 44 Tamalpa 79 23 26 31:43
92 Flanigan, Jim 49 Golden Valley Harriers 83 n/a 27 32:24
94 Allabach, Larry 40 Spartans 85 n/a 28 32:38
96 Batty, Rick 46 Tamalpa 87 24 29 33:17
98 Guerin, Tom 44 Tamalpa 89 n/a 30 33:48
103 Hasenick, Bob 44 Empire Runners 92 25 31 35:03
108 Sampson, Don 51 Fill to 40 Empire Runners 96 n/a 11 37:01
113 Jang, David 42 Aggies 101 26 32 40:13
114 Martin, Roger 42 Golden Valley Harriers 102 n/a 33 41:48
61 Ruona, Frank 52 Tamalpa 53 1 1 29:01
64 Gibbons, Jim 54 WVTC 55 2 2 29:12
67 Butt, Doug 53 WVTC 59 3 3 29:36
70 Furst, David 52 WV J&S 61 n/a 4 29:44
78 Lyons, Stephen 58 Tamalpa 69 4 5 30:44
89 Hampton, Jim 52 unattached 80 n/a 6 31:59
90 Abbott, Cordon 54 Tamalpa 81 5 7 32:17
95 Repp, Mike 57 Tamalpa 86 6 8 33:13
102 Barnett, Searcy 51 WVTC 91 7 9 34:53
106 Zapata, Daryl 53 Hoys-Excelsior 94 n/a 10 36:54
109 Richardson, Pete 63 Fill to 50 WVTC 97 8 3 37:50
91 Griepentsurg, Karl 60 Tamalpa 82 1 1 32:19
107 Shropshire, Elmo 61 Tamalpa 95 2 2 36:59
115 Pickett, Don 70 Fill to 60 Tamalpa 103 3 1 42:39
Hollander, Bernie 62 Tamalpa DNF
21 Allen, Ryan 18 non-PA 27:21
22 Bristow, Duke 18 non-PA 27:21
32 McCrack, Phillip 18 non-PA 27:33
34 Woods, Jordan 18 non-PA 27:40
35 Pile, Sky 23 non-PA 27:42
43 Garza, Steven 18 non-PA 28:00
51 Rosen, Dave 25 non-PA 28:29
60 Fairclough, Stephen 18 non-PA 28:54
63 Cairns, Grant 18 non-PA 29:08
100 Budzinski, Tom 50 non-PA 34:08
101 Brown, Scott 41 non-PA 34:22
105 Huffman, Mark 41 non-PA 35:21
Guerrini, Steven 25 non-PA DNF

Place Name Age Club/Affiliation ind. place team place div place Time
1 Lundy, Chris 28 Impala 1 1 1 21:44
2 Mangiapone, Carrie 24 Humboldt Track Club 2 n/a 2 22:30
3 Wood, Kathy 34 unattached 3 n/a 3 22:38
5 Stubbs, Carol 38 Impala 5 2 4 22:52
6 Cordis, Suzanne 38 Impala 6 3 5 23:01
7 Tench, A. Louise 23 Impala 7 4 6 23:04
8 Blake, Susie 32 Wolfpack 8 5 7 23:53
9 Hawtin, Rachael 32 WVTC 9 6 8 23:55
11 Wong, Jenny 23 WVTC 10 7 9 24:25
12 Maxwell, Jennifer 33 Impala 11 8 10 24:33
13 Berman, Kathi 37 Impala 12 9 11 25:20
14 Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth 35 WVTC 13 10 12 25:26
17 Mueller, Georgia G. 30 unattached 16 n/a 13 25:32
18 Blew, Jenny 24 Impala 17 11 14 25:35
19 Parise, Carol 32 Buffalo Chips 18 12 15 25:51
20 Neuman, Jodi 31 Buffalo Chips 19 13 16 26:00
21 Littlehales, Jody 28 Impala 20 n/a 17 26:16
22 Wall, Denise 27 Buffalo Chips 21 14 18 26:23
23 Sakelarios, Christine 39 Redwood City Flyers 22 n/a 19 26:29
27 Harling, Tracy 31 Tamalpa 25 n/a 20 26:54
29 D'Aoust, Rebecca 36 Tamalpa 27 n/a 21 27:03
31 Ryan, Kathy 32 Buffalo Chips 29 15 22 27:37
33 Weingart, Jocelyn 30 Tamalpa 31 n/a 23 27:59
34 Karnofel, Heidi 34 Wolfpack 32 16 24 28:01
36 Bates, Rita Jo 26 Buffalo Chips 34 17 25 28:54
38 Panelli, Dianne 36 Tamalpa 36 n/a 26 29:12
39 O'Brien, Cheryl 28 Wolfpack 37 18 27 29:16
41 Bera, Nathalie 33 WVTC 39 19 28 29:46
42 Craig, Cary 40 Drop Buffalo Chips 40 20 10 29:49
43 Wiseman, Cathy 21 Wolfpack 41 21 29 30:44
45 Luster, Krissy 38 Redwood City Flyers 43 n/a 30 31:53
46 Areas, Aracely 44 Drop Wolfpack 44 22 11 31:58
47 Sojka, Debra 29 Empire Runners 45 n/a 31 33:16
48 Haberzetle, Jan 60 Drop WVTC 46 23 1 34:53
4 Freitas, Sara 40 unattached 4 n/a 1 22:42
15 Anderson, Laurel 43 Impala 14 1 2 25:29
16 Gilbert, Sharlet 47 Impala 15 2 3 25:31
24 Lachman, Christina 40 Tamalpa 23 15 4 26:35
26 Pitman, Dale 43 Impala 24 3 5 26:49
28 Fillmore, Maggie 48 Impala 26 4 6 26:58
30 Demas, Kathryn 46 Impala 28 5 7 27:10
32 Denley, Lynne 46 Santa Cruz TC 30 n/a 8 27:44
35 Bowman, Ki 42 Santa Cruz TC 33 n/a 9 28:15
37 Walters, Louise 58 Impala 35 1 1 29:00
40 Stickle, Edda 56 Tamalpa 38 n/a 2 29:39
44 Hardham, Ann 55 Tamalpa 42 n/a 3 31:24
49 Russell, Carolyn 51 Impala 47 2 4 35:36
50 Olson, Jeanne 51 Impala 48 3 5 35:59
51 Robben, Barbara 64 unattached 49 n/a 2 36:49
10 Alles, Molly 20 non-PA 24:15
25 Lawson, Kelly 38 non-PA 26:43
52 O'Toole, Eleanor 67 non-PA 36:59

Place Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th (6th) (7th) Total
1 Hoy's Excelsior 3 10 12 13 15 20 25 53
2 Sac Elite 1 8 14 18 19 23 27 60
3 Reebok Aggies 2 6 11 16 26 37 61
4 Humboldt TC 5 7 9 21 22 24 64
5 WVTC 4 29 31 32 35 131
6 Golden Valley Harriers 17 28 30 33 34 36 38 142
Place Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th (6th) (7th) Total
1 Reebok Aggies 1 3 4 5 13 26 26
2 Buffalo Chips 6 7 8 9 12 21 42
3 Empire 2 10 16 17 19 22 25 64
4 Tamalpa 11 14 15 18 20 23 24 78
Place Team 1st 2nd 3rd (4th) (5th) Total
1 Tamalpa 1 4 5 6 10
2 WVTC 2 3 7 8 12
Super Seniors
Place Team 1st 2nd 3rd (4th) (5th) Total
1 Tamalpa 1 2 3 6
Place Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th (6th) (7th) Total
1 Impala 1 2 3 4 8 9 11 18
2 WVTC 6 7 10 19 23 65
3 Buffalo Chips 12 13 14 15 17 20 71
4 Wolfpack 5 16 18 21 22 82
Place Team 1st 2nd 3rd (4th) (5th) Total
1 Impala 1 2 3 4 5 6
Place Team 1st 2nd 3rd (4th) (5th) Total
1 Impala 1 2 3 6

	X-C Series # 4 - Empire Open		
		Problem List	

	Name	Why	Comment
 	Krissy Luster	PA card pending	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Redwood City Flyers)
	Francisco Rubacalva	PA card pending	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
	 		  (please show that you are affiliated w/Humboldt TC)
	Aracely Areas	PA card pending	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Wolfpack)
	Fergus Breck	PA card pending	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Humboldt TC)
	Sean Coster	PA card pending	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Humboldt TC)
	Cheryl O'Brien	PA card pending	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Wolfpack)
	Larry Trovinger	PA card pending	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Davis TC)
 	Cordon Abbott	no PA card on file	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Tamalpa)
	Jocelyn Weingart	no PA card on file	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Tamalpa)
	Doug Nelson	no PA card on file	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please tell us what team you are affiliated with)
	Joesf Neff	no PA card on file	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please show that you are affiliated w/Golden Valley)
	Kathy Wood	no PA card on file	must show either Andy or Linda a valid PA card ASAP 
			  (please tell us what team you are affiliated with if any)
	The following were DQ'ed from Empire.  They will be re-instated and the race re-scored upon verification		
	that they had valid PA card status prior to the race.  Note: this must be done by Nov 7.		
	Scott Brown		
	Tom Brudzinski		
	Kelly Lawson, Tamalpa		
	Dave Rosen		
	Affiliation Notices:		
	Jim Gibbons	you are listed as with WCTC, NOT Tamalpa, this affects team scoring	
	John McGuire	you are listed as unattached, NOT WVTC	
	Jim Hampton	you are listed as unattached, NOT WVTC, this affects team scoring	
	Garth Merrill	you are listed as unattached	
	Blair Venables	you are listed with Club #178, NOT Tamalpa	
	The following problems have been resolved:		
#1:	Katy Spink	PA Card problem resolved	
	Louis Tench	PA Card problem resolved	
	Jeff Hongo	starting w/Sierra you are now eligible for Spartans	
	Rick Kushman	affiliation problem resolved, GG Park will be re-scored	
	Jeff Townsend	affiliation problem resolved, GG Park will be re-scored	
	Jeanne Olson	PA Card problem resolved, will be re-instated into GGP	
#2:	Cathy Wiseman	PA Card problem resolved, will be re-instated into Sierra	
	Michael Larsen	PA Card problem resolved, will be re-instated into Sierra	
#3:	Jeff Hongo	our mistake, you ARE affiliated with the Spartans	
	Craig Mareteki	PA Card problem resolved, will be re-instated into Davis	
	Michelle Hearn	PA Card problem resolved